Marine Tourism Sector Lack of Dive Guides

     Wednesday, 10 May 2017 5:12 PM   Wonderful Nusa Penida   2418 views


Nusa Penida archipelagos have been stated as marine protected area with all of entire biodiversity in it. The area covers around 20,057 hectares both land and underwater. Thousand of divers and marine tourism lovers come every year to enjoy the marine life treasure. The lates study shows the existence of 296 coral species and 576 of fish species meanwhile five of them are new rare species. Last year, this island won runner-up of most popular diving spot in Indonesia.

These terms encourage many of local investors and aboard start to invest the capital in marine tourism sector. Local people get more vacanciews in finding benefit including work as dive guide but most of them not interested. They still think that be dive guide is danger profession.

John Chapman, the owner and diving instructor of World Diving Lembongan said the local do not much interest in marine tourism sector mainly in dive guide. Most of the dive operators should use workers from outside area. The fact emerged on discussion held by Lembongan Marine Association on Tuesday, (2/5) in Sunset Bar Pondok Baruna. The meeting also talked about the coral reef problem and sustainable marine tourism in Nusa Penida Island which attended by marine businessmen and workers.

“It’s hard to find the candidate. We ready to give training from beginner until dive master,” John said.

“We more interested to train local as the know more about dive site than outsiders. Local is our first choice,” he added.

Meanwhile, I Wayan Bagiayasa, a local dive master instructor who has been working for 10 years confesses that work as dive guide is promising job.

“Many of us think that be divers is very dangerous but one thing we should know before diving we will get training. All jobs own its negative sides, as long as we do based on the procedure and obey the rule, everything is gone be fine,” he explained.

“Nusa Penida is known to global as new marine paradise. I hope, our young generation could take that chance,” Wayan hope.

Reporter: I Gede Sumadi

Editor: WNP Team