Ledok-ledok, Healthy and Tasteful Local Food

  Nusa Penida   Thursday, 30 June 2016 9:15 AM   Wonderful Nusa Penida   3933 views

One of the precious thing need to be introduced on prime of Nusa Penida is local culinary. Numerous kind of local food and drinks will be served and invite you to taste such us ‘Ledok-ledok’. Long before rice was promoted as a staple food in Indonesia, residents of the island were used to consuming ledok as part of their daily meal. Locally, the word ‘ledok’ means stir as the food cooked by mixing all ingridients in one container pot. Few years ago, consuming ledok porridge is an obligation since it simple meals but rich of nutritions. Nowadays, this meal become rare, so special as residents leaving their local and indigenous staple foods behind.

As no rice grow up on the island, corn and cassava to be staple food. Vegetable grow on the wild in the fertile area or at the back of local house (teba). The main one s are cassava tubercle, spinach, taro and variety of beans. Consider these resourches, the Nusa Penida create special food based on those ingredients. Wealthy in nutrients, ledok is made of young corn, red beans, cassava, young nuts and leafy green vegetables, which are the islet’s major farming products mainly in rainy season.

The way to make this food is so easy, all ingridients needs must be prepared. First, cassava cut into chunks and heat medium. Add slice corn then all of the vegetables and stir for few minutes. Put the ledok to serving in bowl and topping with fried tuna or fried anchovy, sometimes added with fried peanuts and garnished with basil. Most of food lovers love to eat ledok served in a special leaf container of banana.

Fortunately,  all ledok’s ingridients are organic. It will  give you different tasteful. Not only taste, ledok also proven to be more nutritious than rice. Ledok actually contains vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. One portion sold IDR Rp 5,000 (50 cents), cheap enough but healthy and giving more energy in exploring this island.